What is Southern?: the annotated Edna Lewis / Jane Lear
A message from my muse / Toni Tipton-Martin
Lunch with Miss Lewis / Deborah Madison
Paying down debts of pleasure / John T. Edge
On Edna Lewis / Alice Waters
Edna Lewis and the black roots of American cooking / Francis Lam
On Edna Lewis's The Edna Lewis cookbook / Susan Rebecca White
How to talk about Miss Lewis?: home cook, writer, icon: one young black woman's act of remembering / Caroline Randall Williams
Eu tenho um pé na cozinha: put(ting) your foot in it / Scott Alves Barton
Edna Lewis: African American cultural historian / Megan Elias
The African Virginian roots of Edna Lewis / Michael W. Twitty
Edna Lewis: selected portraits / John T. Hill
Edna Lewis and the melancholia of country cooking / Lily Kelting
Looking for Edna / Patricia E. Clark
I had, of course, heard about her: an interview with Nathalie Dupree, April 14, 2016 / Sara B. Franklin
It's not all fried chicken and greasy greens / Mashama Bailey
Building an appetite: seasonal reflections on the farm / Annemarie Ahearn
The wisdom in the pages / Vivian Howard
Their ideas do live on for us: Edna Lewis, my grandmother, and the continuities of a Southern preserving tradition / Kevin West
A family remembers / Ruth Lewis Smith and Nina Williams-Mbengue.