Introduction: How old are you, really?
Part one: Causes of aging. What is aging and how gracefully are you doing it?
The Younger for Life Program
Part two: Revive with The Younger for Life Program. Eat to nourish
Eat to heal with antioxidants
Age-accelerating foods to avoid
Stop eating to promote cellular rejuvenation
The Younger for Life supplement protocol
Part three: Renew with skin care from the outside in. Cleansing for ageless skin
Protection for ageless skin
Treatments for ageless skin
Skin care routines for your ageless life
Part four: The autojuvenation jump start. The three-week autojuvenation jump start
Part five: Revitalize with an anti-aging lifestyle. Autojuvenate with better sleep
Autojuvenate by managing stress
Part six: Regenerate with next-level holistic anti-aging treatments. DIY treatments, and when to go in-office
Age spots, sun spots, and liver spots
Sagging, sinking, and drooping
Fine lines, frown lines, and forehead wrinkles
Plumper lips, whiter teeth
Appendix 1: The Younger for Life diet food lists
Appendix 2: Dr. Youn-approved skin care companies
Appendix 3: Why did I create my own skin care and supplement lines?