From the Book - First Aladdin paperbacks edition
In which I begin my memoirs
In which I go up in the world and am glad to come down again
In which I travel ... by land and sea
In which we strike our first and last whale
In which I join the fishes and rejoin the Prebles
In which I learn the ways of Gods, natives, and monkeys
In which I am lost in India
In which I have another child to play with me
In which I am rescued and hear Adelina Patti
In which I sit for my daguerreotype and meet a poet
In which I go into camphor, reach New York, and become a doll of fashion
In which I spend a disastrous New Year's and return to New England
In which I end my hay-days and begin a new profession
In which I learn much of plantations, post offices, and pin cushions
In which I return to familiar scenes
In which I am sold at auction.