Part I: Assess. Leonardo da Vinci and losing your mind: the importance of seeing what matters ; Elementary skills: mastering the fine art of observation ; The platypus and the gentleman thief: why no two people see things the same way ; Delta employees do it on the fly: the who, what, when, and where of objective surveillance ; What's hiding in plain sight?: seeing the forest and the trees
Part II: Analyze. Keep your head on a swivel: analyzing from every angle ; Seeing what's missing: how to prioritize like an undercover agent
Part III: Articulate. Making your unknown known: how to avoid communication breakdowns ; Big (naked, obese) Sue and the high school principal: how to see and share hard truths
Part IV: Adapt. Nothing is black-and-white: overcoming our inherent biases ; What to do when you run out of gurneys: how to navigate uncertainty